Governor announced broadband grants in local counties

Gov. Eric Holcomb is announcing $51 million dollars in funding for broadband expansion in Indiana through the Next Level Connections Broadband Grant Program. He says this round of funding, the second phase will allow broadband internet expansion to 10,590 homes and businesses in 32 counties.
Among the area projects receiving funding:
- The Jackson County Rural Electric Membership Corporation received $239 thousand in funding to provide internet to 163 locations in three Jennings County Townships. The corporation is also receiving $192 thousand dollars to serve 118 locations in North Vernon Township in Jennings County.
- A South Central Indiana Rural Electric Membership Corporation project received $1.9 million dollars to serve 420 households and four businesses in Brown, Monroe and Owen Counties.
- SEI Communications and Southeastern Indiana REMC will provide service to 2,263 households, 199 business and 24 anchor institutions in Ripley, Jennings, and a small portion of Jefferson Counties. The project is receiving a $5 million grant. The two will also receive a $4.34 million grant to provide services to 522 households, 27 businesses and eight anchor institutions in Switzerland, Jennings, and small portions of Jefferson, Ohio, and Dearborn Counties.
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